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Well, you are the nice one... oh wait...

Posted by Carrie on 11/14/2005, 9:15:21, in reply to "use to being wet socks"
that's Tracy Y... yeah you are the quiet one...although why did everyone always laugh when that was mentioned? LOL!

Thanks...that's what I thought. For some reason the "little use" kept ringing in my head as in they were of little use... and then I started to over think that and then finally told myself to stop! I mean it was just a description of socks! As I said, I saw boots and saw socks and figured both Kristy and I were right to some extent... Just couldn't picture a SEAL walking around in the tourist attire of black socks and black shoes...although they are trained to be warriors which does not necessarily qualify them to avoid fashion faux pas.

Okay, girls are now on the bus... I can get some sleep... desperately need my sleep.


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