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Mom wishes she'd taped the after the Czars yrs that Opa talked about

Posted by Sheri on 11/12/2005, 19:56:40, in reply to "I wish my kids would have been old enough to ask questions..."
Too late now, he died last Jan at 92 and had been failing for a number of yrs.

I wish I too had a copy. The stories even "cleaned up" (he always made it PG when the grandchildren were listening) were not pretty. Under the Czar's they were protected. Like coming to Canada they moved from Prussia into Russia to farm. And became landholders and had money. Then came the revolution. They had to hide when the army came. They beat his Father for pencils and took whatever they wanted - he was a store keeper.

He remembered the entire trip from Russia, to Germany to England to Canada and told us and I can barely remember what I was told. He was a teenager at the time.

I wish she'd thought about taping them earlier.

I'd write it all down.



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