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Re: Tom? When you talked about....

Posted by tom on 11/3/2005, 12:46:51, in reply to "Tom? When you talked about...."
For big operations call signs are randomly generated--some of them are not the coolest (day lilly, brilliant sun, Opus etc)and they will regenerate the theater wide list every so often so bad guys can't tell who is around by intercepting comms. I suppose I should explain the brevity codes a bit more--brevity codes are a list of points or actions through an operation. Use to be always alphabetically, now they are often themed--the idea is that you can pass one word and have everyone know what has happened or is happening--it isn't really to confuse the enemy but it works that way too. Usually internal to the unit you will give out your own names. So in the story Niel has given the names of his subordinant units rugby position/theme and his brevity code is rugby actions....the name given his Unit was Magnum--but he as magnum actual, the CO of the Unit, gave himself as his subordinatn the name attack dog--boy, that was clear---


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