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Re: Can you elaborate?

Posted by Tom on 10/18/2005, 7:57:25, in reply to "Can you elaborate? "
Darn--a missed oppurtunity---
Okay, we I thik of visualization, the first thing I think of is Freefall jumps. I would say almost without fail--possible exception being if you are in a training module that has you jumping everyday--that on the first freefall jump of the day, everyone sits and visualizes the jump--not as a group but your will see I guyg stting with his eyes claose going through the sequence of the jump--usually with "miniature" hadn movements--so, you leave the plane, hard arch, flyig body stable,trun right turn left somersault whatever--back stable, check altitude, break away, find open air, check altitude, wave off, pull ripcord, nochute, rock left rock right, no chute, cut away, good canopy, check canopy check airspace,check dz--that is the very simplest of visualization. I consider a lot of rehearsals a type of visualization--we would to 30-40 wlaktrhough rehearsal prior to a raid, if we had the time, 24 guys on the air craft step of the helo I will see the assault force moving to the right, I'll see two guys infront of me one behind--etc etc, the point being to drive into your subconcious what you should be seeing so that when you don't see it, it sets of alarms
One Instructor at BUDS ran us through an interesting PT session--it was all visualization--lying on our backs counting out pushups pullup etc etc, not doing any of them, with Instructor Blah picture the guy to the right--what do you see in front of you etc--no, it wasn't exhausting but it was an interesting evolution none-the-less


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