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Re: Power is attractive

Posted by Kelly on 10/17/2005, 15:25:13, in reply to "Power is attractive"
IA with Laura...it's the power, and know how and where to use it that's sexy. I've never been overly fond of guns, given that they weren't in the house when I was growing up...my dad jumped out of airplanes in the service (he was a memeber of the 101st Airborne), though he could shoot, he didn't do it at home. Mike OTOH grew up around guns and learned to shoot very young (his parents owned a trap/gun range), and watching him shoot, is very sexy, he does it well, and has the proper respect for the weapons. I've been telling him lately that I would like to learn to shoot.

The arcade games are a good way to learn to discern the proper targets...Mike and I play them frequently when we are out, and I've gotten much better at not only my accuracy, but in hitting the proper targets.



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