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Question for Tom: CRT

Posted by McDonna on 10/14/2005, 23:43:45
In GI Jane, the woman (Lt O'Neil) isn't really trying out for the SEALs -- it's for the film's imaginary "Combined Reconaissance Team" (CRT) which brings together operators from across several branches of the service: Navy SEALs, Army Delta, Marine Force Reconnaissance, and Navy Intelligence.

My question: does this make sense? Is there a reason the special operations command would want to put together such a team? If so, what might they be able to do that SEALs or Rangers wouldn't do?

I know it's silly to expend energy on this but I can't help but wonder where the writers got the idea to have O'Neil try out for CRT instead of just throwing her into BUD/S. Also I wrote a follow-on story about O'Neil after GI Jane and am trying to figure out just what she might be assigned to do! :)

BTW just for grins and to let you know that someone is even more interested in CRT than I: http://www.unforgiven5150.com/Hobbies/Figures/CRT.htm

Thank you, Tom, as always


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