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Posted by Brenda/qmih on 10/13/2005, 18:52:37, in reply to "Come on,Tom, dust out the cobwebs..."
He actually did go and blow the guys leg off and then the British guys bought him many pints of grog because they couldn't stand the guy that was screaming about the gator....so there!

REal Story:

So after they guys retreat from Defcon 10 LT. gets back and of course wants an update on what the situation was in the first place......turns out the British guy was set up that morning by his CO(I think that was what he was called)...the guy walks into morning barracks and asks for a volunteer to "PLAY" the pilot for the day...what the Brit didn't know when he volunteered is that they were going to dump him out in the middle of the swamp......so Brit guy gets dumped out and when Delta Force (I made this up, because everyone knows DF doesn't exist;) gets there to "rescue" the Brit from the swamp...they start lifting him into the boat....Brit starts screaming....his leg is stuck....so the rest of the boat crew heave and ho and get him half way up and notice.....you guessed it.....ta da....a camin....stuck on hid boot....someone...(not sure if it was the Brit) goes to crab there side arm and shot the camin.....Brit still screaming....etc... etc...finally the camin drops off without any shooting or lose of limbs on the Brits part and they all go home and laugh....Except for the Brit who had to go to the infirmary for a band-aid:)
did I miss anything?


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