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Re: Tom - (Aly we are on the same wave length!)

Posted by tom on 10/8/2005, 20:08:08, in reply to "Tom - (Aly we are on the same wave length!)"
Testing the burn time is pretty much passe’ nonil is now used so you just roll it out so you are far enough away and crank it off—but in the old days, you had to test each roll---if you were off on a shot by more than 3 seconds—case of beer!—ah the good old days.

An electronic system has a main charge, a blasting cap a firing wire and a joy box or clacker (not Aly’s joy box—err, I mean Brians) det cord is simply a mean to transfer a high exlosive reaction from one main charge to another or from an initiator (cap) to the main charge---you can “cap in” to the main charge, but it is easier/safer to do it with detcord ..a non-electric system is the same except it has a fuse and an igniter..the nonil system uses a fuse that is instantaneous and a little “gun” to light it
You use electronic fuses for controlled blasts—in the ‘nam moves when you see the guy pumping the clacker (Moog—not sure why but one of you just had a g thought) he is setting off an electronic cap wired into a claymore---there are remote systems set off by radio control—they are used when it isn’t practical to run wire and you can recover the fairly expensive reciever


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