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Re: I did not state military service should be compulsory...

Posted by Natalia on 10/7/2005, 13:37:49, in reply to "I did not state military service should be compulsory..."
I apologize; I interpreted "mandatory 'draft'" to mean military service. :) But whether we say mandatory, compulsory, required... doesn't it all mean forced?

Anyway, I don't mean a personal attack on you! :) It was just the first post I got to where I wanted to respond. (I hadn't read all the rest on this topic yet.)

I guess I just believe (from my personal experience in life) that required service of any kind does not make people pay attention or learn or get involved or even care.

We can't even get people to finish the required high school education with the ability to read or do math.

There are many countries that have required service and don't see the result you are talking about. I have family in Spain that have gone through required military service - didn't give them a vested interest in their country. (I think that's what Janet D meant re: the Swiss & Israelis?)

As far as I'm concerned, Liars would last as long as they have the money. We vote for who the people with money and power allow us to vote for. Even if you are educated, informed, and vested, voting for the lesser of two evils still gives you a choice that is evil.

Just my two cents! :)


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