A1 I became aware of the SEAL Team Ops during my tenure in the Marine Corps. While assigned to the 3rd Marine Rapid Deployment Force we were
mobilized on the USS Spiegal Grove and shipped out to the coast of Iran During the American Embassy Hostage crisis. It was during that time
while crossing the Atlantic Ocean did I see the group in daily activities while enroute to Iran.
>Q2- What is you impression of them as a group?
A2 They are a exremely tightly knit group. So much so that the usual
military social structure where officers kept a distance from the enlisted was not seen amongst the SEALs. They were all one group each with a
special task as a insertion operation force. I was impressed.
>Q3-Any personal interactions not directly "work" related. (Meaning
A3 None! they did things alone and never comingled with others. These guys
probably knew the favorite panty color of each others wives they were so tight.
>Q4- Can you tell me of any joint work related activities and how the SEALS >attitudes/.POV/ and way of doing things, differed from the regular
A4 Yes my team was a special weapons/demolitions group which was
amphibious in natue this meaning that we were training to destroy on
and on sea to make way for the first wave of combattants usually the
infantry. We worked with the SEAL group during initial covert
they were our ears and eyes while we concentrated on setting the demolition devices, destroying infastructure...stuff like that..
>Q5-What do you know/feel about them in relation to racial diversity?.
How many non-white in appearance SEALS did you see, and did you feel there was there true comfort level.
A5 During my three years I never saw a
person of color amongst them. But not once did I sense any racisim. Most of these guys
could have been doctors or scientists they were so intelligent but they preffered the action.