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and this is EXACTLY why I and others avoid joining in these discussions

Posted by Kelly on 10/6/2005, 22:25:22, in reply to "Uhh ,#1 some of the first casualities of this war were"
I was not referring to immigrants with green cards; or people who aren't naturalized citizens; or people of color who have served, but haven't been considered citizens or given constitutional rights. That is WRONG!

I was referring to the people who come across our borders, and contribute NOTHING to this country, but want the benefits that come with living in America. Those people need to give something back.

My comments have nothing to do with racism...I could care less about the color of skin or ethnic background. But I do care when people come to this country expecting to enjoy the privelege of living here without contributing.

I was attempting to apologize to Aly, if anything I said, offended her, and that was all.


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Contact Donna if questions or concerns.