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Tom, would you mind answering more swim/water op questions?

Posted by Gin on 10/6/2005, 2:54:35
When you are on an op which requires you to jump out of a helo into the water how high above the water is the helo?

How do you plan for wave height, current and wind?

Do you try to jump to hit the peak of a wave or the valley between two waves?

How do you determine how much equipment weight each person can carry? I remember reading about the seals who died off Granada. It was determined they drowned from carrying too much weight.

Do you jump with your gun or is it with the zodiac?

Is salt water a problem with your gun? corrosion, jams, waterlogged that sort of thing.

Do you jump with explosives on you or are they in the zodiac?

When you reach shore do you keep your wetsuit and swim gear with you or leave it behind? (This would be an arrive by sea but leave by land and not return to the sea) If you leave it behind, would you return for it in the future or leave it for the locals to find?

When swimming to land would you swim the majority on the surface until you neared the land or most/all of it underwater?

When you do your five mile swim, do you use fins or not?

They say the five mile swim is not timed. Is there an unoffical time you must finish by? Without fins, at the pace you guys go it would take close to 3 1/2 hours.

Thanks for you answers, Gin


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