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Tom, can you help a sistah out ? Q -re : Baby SEALs

Posted by angela ( from DC) on 10/4/2005, 19:37:35
Tom, working on this paper and need some filler. Just read social work writings on SOF and parenting issues. The research across the board says SOF dads are generaly the more lenient parent. They choose not to be the disciplinarian except under very serious occasions. Which is a problem for the mother who wants him to be upset cause little Billy only got 6/10 of his spelling words right and SOF dad doesn't react as strongly as the mom would like.But once a situation arises they are extremely supportive with 3rd party intervention,meaning SW, teachers, therapists, etc. Then its the opposite, too much too late in the mom's view

Would you please speak on your experience observing "other" families and explain the "generalized" parenting attitudes of the SEAL dads if you would be so kind ?

I'm desperate boo.

And one other thing do you mind if I quote you on all things SEALdom (only)

respectful germ free smooches : )


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