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even more to the point

Posted by Laura T on 9/23/2005, 11:52:18, in reply to "more to the point"
"knowing full well that a life could be at stake but, this issue is so important that a life is worth it"
You also accept that there will be a price to pay and you will pay it. Much better than "the rules don't apply to me."
I put myself in front of Tom's ambulance but I never thought he'd actually run over me. He's a bad man and should be put away forever. I was just laying there. or
I didn't see Mrs. Snodgrass b/c she was on the ground out of my view. I felt the bump but thought it was a pothole. She should pay for the damage to my ambulance and another fee for my pain and suffering for this trial.
I tell kids "do the crime, do the time." You know it's against the rules and that there's a consequence. If you choose to do it anyway, accept the consequence and no whining.


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