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Does Personal Responsibility exist anymore?

Posted by Aly on 9/23/2005, 11:51:21, in reply to "Answered below Deep Question"
Honest question! Some of the things I hear these days drive me nuts. And the biggest one is parents that take no responsibilty for their children and their children's actions!

Now this one may sound petty and stupid but this is how absurd things are in my world.

My son can not wear sandals at daycare. Why you ask? Because last summer a teacher ACCIDENTALLY stepped on a child's foot and injured their toes. Parents threatened to sue the teacher and daycare for negligence, so now no sandals at daycare. Is this really a big deal...NO! But please tell me why it's not the parents fault for taking the child to daycare in sandals? And as a parent are you going to try and convince me that you have never tripped over/bumped into your own child!

And my favorite are the parents that are told repeatedly that their children are not behaving or listening at daycare. Their response is that it is daycare's responsibility to teach them respect and keep them in line! HELLO! And what is your job may I ask?

OK I am getting off the soapbox now! I probably rambled and made no sense but hey it felt good!!



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