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Tom - question about that

Posted by Tracy Y on 9/23/2005, 10:38:48, in reply to "Re: thank youI feel that if we see something that seems wrong and we don't speak up, "
I'm not making a political statement here, just trying to understand what I also heard. It was during the time of the celebrity protests about the war in Iraq, and I can't remember who said it but the jist of it was that if we show that we are dividing, and continuing to divide, then our enemies are getting what they want.

So how do we stay united and still stand up for what we believe? And isn't there a limit to what is acceptable to say and do? For instance, I think the people who break the law in a protest, or block the streets so an ambulance can't get through, are not helping, they're causing more problems. So where's the balance?


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