It is actually more likely for training OPS to go goofy because the training cadre knows exactly what you are dong and intentionally tries to mess you up--not cause they're mean, but they want you mentally limber and not "in love" with the plan
What all does that cover? In EOD you learn to disarm all types of ordnance from pipe bombs to nuclear weapons--including improvised explosive devices.
What made you go into that area? My recruiter lied to me--I had to go into EOD ;'cause he told me it was the same as UDT and I didn't figure that out until it was too late.
Because of that experience were you always the most experienced SEAL in that area? Yes
What is your favorite ( bad word choice) part of what EOD entails or the thing you're really good at? My favorite part was just having the n*ts to do it---you are working on a machine designed to kill you and it has no concious--I was very good at improvised explosive devices, and because of that was selected to form the first detachment solely dedicated to IED, booby-traps and chemical IEDs