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Did you see the ad

Posted by Deborah on 9/15/2005, 23:08:53, in reply to "absolutely"
that said something like, "are you worried, not really depressed but just not happy, tired, have a general feeling of malaise...etc)... tell your doctor that you want 'this drug'. It's for Non Specific Somethingorother Syndrome.

I mean... I fell off the couch laughing. Uh... it's called "life" and there's not a pill for it... reallly... just GTFOI (get the F over it).

Did somebody say 4 hour erection? I figured it was a case of 'false hopeful suggestion' advertising. WOW... I might have a 4 hour erection? Cool... gimmegimmegimme. Any of you other women interested in a man with a 4 hour boner? I'd be going 'get that damned thing away from me boy, I got work to do.'


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