However, the definitions of "manipulate" actually range all the way from "skillful" to "devious" and "manipulate" has synonyms that run the gamut from "master, create","manage" and "negotiate" all the way to "falsify","tamper", "beguile" and "betray". So the context in which it was applied or intended is critical. Is the impact going to be negligible or wholly negative? What I am investing?
IMO much of life is all about manipulation and not the negative connotation either. The key, as was discussed here previously is "do you know that you're being led there"? "Are you going willingly or unknowingly?" "Are you choosing participate?" "Or succumbing to pressure of some sort"?
So then it becomes more about a choice, as a result of your understanding the situation and/or context.
So now here we are, right back to "awareness" as the all important first step, and that brings me full circle! (or quite possibly could mean I'm FOS)
However, then the question begs, if you recognize it for what it is (or could be) and you continue on that path anyway, then is it "manipulation" or simply "participation"?