I couldn't be married to a SEAL:
1) wouldn't be getting married to be alone all the time
not just physically but emotionally
2) It would take me probably one week to end up dead by getting hit by a bus.......I would start feeling so safe I would expect HIM to take care of me physically/and I would FORGET to do it for myself: see that spider "kill it"... see that bad guy "shot him"... "make sure the house is secure"... "so and so hurt me......go get em'"... "are you nuts I can't put my hand in the sink...the garbage disposal may cut me....you do it" AND if he didn't I would be ticked:)
3) NOT to mention all the military bullcrap...kiss up to this or that person....just because? I DON'T THINK SO!!!!
4) then there would be keeping that white suit clean...UGH
Yep, being married to a SEAL would never work for me......YOU GO ALLY:)YOU'RE the WO-MAN!!! Not me sista:)