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Nope not going too

Posted by Sheri on 9/5/2005, 12:15:43, in reply to "Sheri, I thought the same thing....but I am taking a deep breath...I am going to do it:)"
OK, maybe later.

Tell me how it goes. You dive in first and I'll go second - maybe :)

Found my Dad's very long time ago library card. It's archived in the library system. I also found the boats that my Oma and Opa came in to Montreal on in the 20's. Facinating!!! Found Ed's great uncle's enlistment into WWI (yep that was right, there's 8 kids and 3 wives, he was the eldest - Ed's grandfather is 92). It says he was 17, really - he was 16.



Temporarily archived without permission from Suzanne Brockmann's Message Board.
Contact Donna if questions or concerns.