I've been working on a major web project for 10 weeks. (Literally over 1000 pages plus custom database, shopping cart -- huge.) Customer is anxious to get the project done; he calls evenings, even 10:30 or 11 p.m., to talk about the project, pushes me to work weekends. He and his wife are friends of mine, so I'm charging him half my usual rates. I've made his project a priority over other customers, spent $2k out of my pocket to my assistant and I'm only charging him $5k for the whole thing. It's up and running, almost complete, and I've been "hinting" I need the money for two weeks now. He finally sent me $1000 yesterday. Not even enough to cover expenses, and I had to use my credit card to cover the mortgage. NOT okay.
So this morning I asked myself, WWASD? And decided he would not (as I had planned) work all weekend on this project without more $$! So I called my client and very politely explained my situation again and told him I need payment before I can do more work.
As a result, he is putting a check for the remaining $4k in the mail this weekend. :) (Yes, I know him well enough to know that when he says "check in the mail" I can trust that it will be there.)
Hooyah! One less victim checkmark today.
WWASD - I'm going to tattoo it on the back of my hand so I do not forget! :))